Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happiness is...a fresh start and a new challenge!

With the start of the new year I'm always looking for things to add to my never-ending list of resolutions and things to accomplish.  My years start not only with the freshness of a blank January 1st slate but with a birthday on the 2nd, today. This year is a significant birthday (don't ask which one, it's not polite!) and with it I've decided to focus my goals on doing things that scare me...hence this blog! Putting my writing out in a public venue, opening a bit of myself up to the masses is a very scary thing.

I've been a blog stalker for a couple of years now admiring the skills and accomplishments of writers, book reviewers, artists, designers, photographers, chefs, crafters, family and friends. I don't feel that I have a strong enough leaning in one particular area to devote an entire blog to it, instead my blog will be a celebration of the many things that make me happy.  Books, art, nature, thoughts and ideas, family, food, travel, music, God, the unexpected, friends, adventures, puppies, rainbows.  I'm sure they'll all be covered here at some point in time. If you are looking for something insightful, smart, or world-changing, this ain't it.  But if you need your day brightened just a bit, a new way of looking at the world or just another way to waste some time at work, then you've come to the right place.

We're just wrapping up the holiday season.  I love that we begin everything in November with the opportunity to focus on what we are thankful for, for all that we've been given.  This grateful mindset is the perfect way to usher in the Christmas season.  It helps us to be more open to giving to our fellow man, makes us aware of the miracles all around us and brings to mind the reasons for the birth of Christ. And with our hearts turning to charity and love we are primed for a new beginning. We can evaluate what is truly important, where we stand and what we need to do to improve, setting appropriate goals and moving forward with thoughts of gratitude and love. These thoughts of gratitude are what lead me to the theme for this blog.  I'm a bit pessimistic by nature and tend to focus on the doom and gloom.  I've tried hard recently to look for the positive, to count my blessings and appreciate all the wonderful things that this world has to offer, the things that are constantly touching my life.  When I look for them, they are easy to find.  And so, this blog will hopefully be a catalyst for my taking more notice of what's around me and celebrating all the little things that make this life worth while.  And if I can add just a touch of happiness to someone else's life, so much the better.

In my mind this new year of 2011 is a success already.  Only two days into it and I can already cross one thing off of my list of goals and resolutions. (Another thing that makes me happy!)  Start a blog. Check! Now I only have a million and a half left to go.  Reader, are you a goal setter, a list maker? What do you have on tap for the coming year? Whatever your year may bring may you find success, accomplishment, love and luck and bushels and bushels of happiness with this fresh start and new set of challenges.  Happy Birthday to me and Happy New Year to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Amy! I just took down your valentines card from the cupboard door where I had it displayed since I got it. I typed in your blog and read it all (backwards). I mostly feel like crying because your life and accomplishments put me to shame. I've always known you were the better person, and that I'm just blessed to know you...but the last 15 years or so have really highlighted that division in what we have done with our lives, gifts and talents. If you weren't so kind and generous and supportive of me-I would probablly be insanely jealous and dislike you greatly! But I could never dislike such a GOOD person. Thank you for being you. And thank you for inviting me to read your blog, I love it!
