Wednesday, November 28, 2012

being grateful.

Hmm, you may have noticed I haven't been quite as diligent as I had lead you to believe I would be.  I'd like to say it's because I've been hard at work on my novel but mostly it's just that life, boring old life, has gotten in the way. Bleh!

So, here's my pathetic attempt at catching up on the last week's worth of entries...

November photo-a-day challenge #20
something old

Old books, my fave!
November photo-a-day challenge #21

The first Christmas tree of the season

November photo-a-day challenge #22

The ginormous poinsettia dwarfing our coffee table and mocking my lack of  Christmas preparation

And apparently I'm out of storage space, so we'll have to pause while I figure out these technical difficulties...any pros out there?

Who knew this would be such a production?!


  1. You are out of storage space in your home or on the blog? I'm confused...

  2. Ps. When am I going to convince you to get rid of the auto robot number/letter combo test???

  3. Yeah, I tried to load more photos and it told me I was out of storage space. I guess now I have to start paying for it?! Still doing a bit of research on that. And I should change that robot thing. I'll do it while I'm avoiding all other responsibility!
