Wednesday, November 28, 2012

being grateful.

Hmm, you may have noticed I haven't been quite as diligent as I had lead you to believe I would be.  I'd like to say it's because I've been hard at work on my novel but mostly it's just that life, boring old life, has gotten in the way. Bleh!

So, here's my pathetic attempt at catching up on the last week's worth of entries...

November photo-a-day challenge #20
something old

Old books, my fave!
November photo-a-day challenge #21

The first Christmas tree of the season

November photo-a-day challenge #22

The ginormous poinsettia dwarfing our coffee table and mocking my lack of  Christmas preparation

And apparently I'm out of storage space, so we'll have to pause while I figure out these technical difficulties...any pros out there?

Who knew this would be such a production?!

Monday, November 19, 2012

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #19
Written words
A card written in my grandmother's hand and passed down to me from my mother.  I've traced the words at least twice as they've faded so they're probably now more mine than hers but I cherish them all the same. And they've brought me hope and comfort often throughout the years.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #17
Something funny

November photo-a-day challenge #18
Favorite food

I have a friend who has introduced me to the wonders of Pie Day.  In lieu of gorging yourself beyond all hope on Thanksgiving and then not having enough room to enjoy dessert, her family has claimed the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving as Pie Day, a day dedicated to the dessert and all its glory. She is out of the country this year so I took it upon myself to steal her tradition. I spent all day Saturday baking, decorated with quotes and images of pie, and invited a ton of people to share their own pies and the day.  It was a success! We had over 15 different flavors and mmmm, were they delicious!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #16

Keeping busy the past few weeks.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #14

A typical  night in traffic

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

being grateful.

No photo today.  Instead I'm reposting a video that's currently making its way around the interweb.  This is Mr. Sean Bean reciting a poem by Wilfred Owen in honor of Britain's Remembrance Day (or Veteran's Day as we call it here in the US.)  This man could probably bring me to tears with a recitation of the phone book so be prepared for some chills and more than a momentary pause to think on the words and meaning of what he's saying.

And as always, an insufficient thank-you to all those who have served and are currently serving in various military positions throughout the world. To my grandpas, uncles, cousins, friends, neighbors and strangers who put their lives on the line to preserve our freedoms and oppose tyranny, all my love and gratitude.

Never forget!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #10
I made this collage (thanks to various pinterest pins) using old maps, modge podge, stickers and paint. This is my new mantra. (Gracias to the Avett Bros for the quote.)

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #9
In my closet/clothes

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #8

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #7

This post is two-fold. I've finally joined the modern world and gotten a smart phone (isn't it cute?), and our internet is back up and running after several days of being down.  Hooray for technology!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #6
So grateful to live in a country where we have so many freedoms. Did you exercise your rights today?

Monday, November 5, 2012

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #5
Starbucks salted caramel hot chocolate.  Yum!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #4

The next door neighbors

Saturday, November 3, 2012

being grateful.

November photo-a-day challenge #3

The lights in one of the Kennedy Center theaters. I've been there twice this week and man, I love that place!

Friday, November 2, 2012

being grateful

November photo-a-day challenge #2

the ghostly blurs of cosmic bowling (it looks way cooler on my camera)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

being grateful.

November Photo-a-day challenge #1 *
An inspiring person
statue of Abraham Lincoln on the site of Lincoln's Cottage in NW DC

*in the spirit of full disclosure--I intend to take as many new photos as possible but some days there will be photos that I've taken previously that have been re-touched or edited, just so's ya know!